Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Do you do resolutions every year; new year new goals? I haven’t always made new year resolutions but last few years I did and I found being accountable really helped me accomplish some of them. Physically writing and reminding myself of my intent for the year makes me accountable. Last year my goal for the blog was to make something new every month. I really pushed myself to make the time and accomplish the goal. The most popular project made last year from the blog is the DIY 10 minute skater dress.
This was actually the funnest project as I did it with my daughter. She was so excited to have matching dresses with me. She is 7, so I think I may have one more year where she thinks I am cool enough to wear the same dress as her:-)
Another goal that I had for 2018 was to get healthy! If you have been following me, you know I have trying the keto diet and exercising. It all paid off and I am the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life.
New Year New Goals 2019
For this year, I made the following goals for myself:
-Spend more one on one time with my daughter
-Continue to get healthier
-Sewing at least one new project a month
-Spend less money on things and more on experiences
-Transition into a more minimalist lifestyle
-Be more mindful of others
To be honest, actually just typing those down makes me feel accountable and aware.
As always, thank you for all your support over the years. This would not be half as fun without you. The blog is still growing and I plan on continuing to add new projects and free pattern this year. Are there any project ideas you want to see or themes you want to see more of?
Thanks for visiting and Happy Sewing!
Ralph · 305 weeks ago
milodemigo 2p · 246 weeks ago