Hi Everyone! My sewing room have been missing me recently because I am busy getting healthy. I recently decided to test out what my body is made off by signing up for The Max Challenge. I wanted to share my experience with all of you just in case you are also looking for a fitness makeover. If you have been following me for a while, you know I have been on a weight loss, get fit journey for about a year now. Did you read my Keto/Atkins Diet post? Well, after I finished my ketogenic diet and lost close to 40lbs, I still wasn’t feeling strong and energized. So, this past summer, I decided to see what my body is capable of doing by attempting this fitness challenge. Here is The MAX Challenge Review.
What is the MAX Challenge?
The MAX Challenge is a 10 week healthy lifestyle makeover that combines the benefits of nutritional counseling, fitness classes and motivation for the improvement of your appearance and overall well-being.
Classes are 45 minutes long and meet 5 days per week. The classes alternate between strength and cardio. It’s similar to high intensity interval training workouts. The program also offers diet counseling which separates the challenge into different nutritional phases, set to improve metabolism, endurance and weight loss. The retail price of the challenge is $499 less $100 off promotion. At the end of the challenge, each participant has a chance to win $1000!
What made me want to start the Challenge?
I honestly just wanted to test my mental and physical ability to complete a tasks that appears challenging. After I lost the extra weight, I wasn’t sure what would be next on my fitness journey. I tried traditional gyms before but always quit after a few weeks. I also tried at home workouts but often get bored and never keep up. I had some extra time in the summer and thought…why not do something completely out of my comfort zone! Basically, I wanted to push my body beyond what my mind thought I was capable off.

Breaking my first obstacle board
What are the pros of The MAX Challenge?
There are pros no matter what workout routine you choose. Just moving is extremely beneficial for your health. In coming up with the MAX pros specifically, I tried to think of why this worked for me and other fitness/health options didn’t.
- The classes are 45 minutes long. I don’t know about you but I don’t have endurance to do any routine more than an hour and even an hour is stretching it for me. I love that this was just 45 minutes. I was in, did my thing and left without impacting my daily routine.
- The attitude is contagious. I have to admit, when I first walked into the MAX, I wasn’t sure of the all the high-fives and smiles. I never thought of exercise as fun. Well, a few classes in and I was the one leading the high-fives. The environment and member attitudes about health and exercise is contagious. It really motivated me to go everyday.
- A sense of community. I love that there are secret Facebook groups just for the center you are in. People are always posting recipes, their personal accomplishments, goals, videos etc. I really felt like I belonged to a team. And, our trainers always posted videos clips of the workouts to motivate everyone. The sense of community is very dominant.
- No workout routine is ever the same. I always get bored doing the same thing over and over. At the MAX, each day you show up, it’s a different routine. Each day, each week and each phase is completely different from the last.
What are the cons of The MAX Challenge?
To be honest, I had a hard time coming up with cons for the challenge. This is the only thing that came to mind.
- Nutritional counseling classes. At the start of each phase of the challenge, you are given brochures on the details of the recommended diet for that phase. For me, I wish if there were more one on one or group nutritional counseling to compliment the brochures. There was only one class on nutrition. I would have liked if there were a few more throughout the 10 weeks. However, I must say, that if ever I had a question, the trainers were more than happy to explain the details to me. Information was always available if requested.
What are the results from The MAX Challenge?

As I mentioned, I did not join the MAX Challenge to lose weight as I already reached my goal weight when I started the program. I joined to be stronger. That being said, here are my measured results:
- Total lbs lost>>7 lbs
- Total body fat lost>>4%
- Total inches lost>>9
- Average calories/fitness session>>385 (I am 112 lbs, 5’2″)
What impressed me the most?
Like I said, I have been to gyms, yoga centers and used online videos to try and get fit. I always lose motivation and stop within a few weeks. What impressed me the most on the 10 weeks MAX Challenge is how motivating the program is. Never in the 10 weeks did I want to quit or give up. I enjoyed physically checking off each day I completed a workout as well as listening to the end of class motivation speech from the trainers. My fellow members and the trainers always motivated me to return for more. It is the people that kept me coming back day after day.
Here is a video recap of my Summer 2018 10 Weeks MAX Challenge
What now?
Now that the challenge is over and I have bragged to everyone I know, including you all, I decided to join the MAX as a legacy member. This is a a non-contractual monthly membership offered to members after their first challenge so that they can continue on their fitness journey.

My daughter and I at the MAX
Thanks for visiting!
PS: I was NOT paid for this review. All opinions are based on my personal experience.